Friday, March 27, 2020

AP Chemistry Gases Multiple Choice - Questions and Answer

AP Chemistry Gases Multiple Choice - Questions and AnswerWhen you decide to take a full-time or part-time AP Chemistry student, you'll find that there are some very challenging topics to get through. This isn't to say that these courses are difficult, it is simply that they require a lot of preparation time and are certainly not quick to do.There are two ways of doing this preparation - you can spend time on studying by answering questions in the textbook, or you can study by answering questions in the course forums. If you want to take it more slowly, you can spend a lot of time doing that by reading and listening to videos of lectures and answers. Or you can follow a philosophy that involves videoing yourself answering questions and then learning from your mistakes.One thing to remember is that when answering questions online, you will be expected to give the answers as if they were your own. You will not be able to actually learn the material by listening, because it isn't you at all. You must learn the material by answering the questions. However, as mentioned before, when you read, you can enjoy the fact that you are helping others in your quest to learn, while when you answer a question online, you are only helping yourself.Remember that there are two sides to answering questions. You can either be learning how to do it right or you can be learning how to do it wrong. Which ever way you choose to go with, remember that it is your obligation to make sure that you learn as much as you can while you can in order to pass the test.Resources are available for AP Chemistry students as well as for other students and adults who want to take them. There are also books, and websites, and even online training programs which you can take.It is important that you look for as many resources as possible when you are working on your strategies to answer questions. These will help you learn as much as you can while you can. They may even save you a lot of time if you do no t have access to the classroom environment.So no matter what type of AP Chemistry students you are, you can always expect to encounter multiple choice tests, multiple choice topics, and multiple choice quizzes. If you do these, be prepared for plenty of practice exams.

Friday, March 6, 2020

English Vowel Pronunciation Exam - with Audio

English Vowel Pronunciation Exam - with Audio Assessment by Kate YoonVoice by Teauna PetersHow isyour English pronunciation?LOI English has created a self assessment, with recordings that you can compare yourself to.Instructions: Read aloud the sentence. Ask yourself the question. Your answer should be yes.Rate the level of difficulty 0-5 (0=Not difficult, 5=very difficult).1. Please believe that meat, beans, and cheese are good to eat. Eat them at least three times a week.Q: Are your [i] sounds long? Does it sound like the recording? Level of difficulty (0-5)?2. Jims big sister swims a little bit. It keeps her fit, slim, and trim.Q: Are your [?] sounds short?Does it sound like the recording? Level of difficulty (0-5)?3.Babe Ruth was a famous baseball player. He became a baseball legend.Q: Does each [ei] vowel sound like ay in day?Does it sound like the recording? Level of difficulty (0-5)?4. Ten times seven is seventy. Seven times eleven is seventy-seven.Q: Are your [?] sounds short?Does it sound like the recording? Level of di fficulty (0-5)?5.The Titanic was a grand and elaborate ship that had over 2,000 passengers.Q: Do you open your mouth more for [æ] than for [?]?Does it sound like the recording? Level of difficulty (0-5)?6.During Thanksgiving, children eat turkey and learn about the early settlers who journeyed to America.Q: Do ur, ear, and our sound the same when you say them?Does it sound like the recording? Level of difficulty (0-5)?7.Tinker, tailor, soldier, sailor, rich man, poor man, beggar man, thief!Q: Do er, or, ier, and ar sound the same when you say them?Does it sound like the recording? Level of difficulty (0-5)?8.Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, and North America comprise five of the continents. South America is another continent.Q: Do all of the boldfaced letters sound the same when you say them?Does it sound like the recording? Level of difficulty (0-5)?9.New Orleans is one of the most beautiful cities in the United States. It has good food and music.Q: Are your [u] sounds long?Does i t sound like the recording? Level of difficulty (0-5)?10.Little Red Riding Hood is one of my favorite childhood books. When I was little, I would read it whenever I could.Q: Are your [?] sounds shorter than your [u] sounds?Does it sound like the recording? Level of difficulty (0-5)?11.Turn the oven up to three hundred degrees and bake one-half hour or until done.Q: Does each boldfaced letter sound like the u in fun or sun?Does it sound like the recording? Level of difficulty (0-5)?12.I dont want to go to Rome. We dont know anyone there. Lets go to Arizona instead.Q: Are your [o?] sounds long?Does it sound like the recording? Level of difficulty (0-5)?13.He talked to an audience of more than fourteen thousand. According to newspaper reports, his speech was lauded.Q: Do al and au sound the same when you say them?Does it sound like the recording? Level of difficulty (0-5)?14.The U.S. Constitution is the basis of U.S. democracy. It has been constant but responsive to change.Q: Does your [?] vowel sound like ah when you say it?Does it sound like the recording? Level of difficulty (0-5)?15.Did you hear the loud sounds outside last night? Our neighbors were shouting and howling.Q: Is your mouth wide open when you say [a] in [a?]?Does it sound like the recording? Level of difficulty (0-5)?16.Good liars can be quite likeable, have a charming style, and can look you right in the eye.Q: Is your tongue near the roof of your mouth when you say [?] in [a?]?Does it sound like the recording? Level of difficulty (0-5)?17.We have quite a choice of toys. Let me point out this train. Your boy will enjoy it, Mr. Lloyd.Q: Do your lips start out oval shaped and quickly flatten when you say [??]?Does it sound like the recording? Level of difficulty (0-5)?How did you do? Any soundsthat you scored 3, 4, or 5 on are the ones you should be studying. LOI English offers individual English pronunciation classes with native speakers who are trained to help you.You can study 7-10 vowels with up to 3 review lessons in a 5-hour pronunciation course or 12-17 vowels with up to 5 reviews in a 10-hour pronunciation course.Click here to learn more and register. Write down your scores and share them with the teacher, and well be able to start quickly!

Can a Private Math Tutor Help - Private Tutoring

Can a Private Math Tutor Help Jelena Jan 13, 2016 The transition from early math of elementary school to that of middle and high school can be difficult for many kids.   Its also a time when parents are frequently in search of academic assistance and support in areas such as English, languages or looking for a quality 7th grade math tutor.   Whether you’d like your child to earn higher grades or just to make academic life easier for your child, tutoring is always a good option. 7th grade is a big step further into various mathematical areas such as algebra, geometry, measurements, fractions and so much more.   What your student learns this year will be the basis for higher level mathematics, and we are all aware that the base is what makes the house stable and firm, so making sure kids firmly understand the fundamentals now is critical for future success. Why Tutoring? Students in 7th grade are in transition at this age and children often have problems concentrating and keep the focus on the topic at hand. They wander away, don’t listen closely and math is not the first thing on their “to do” list when they get home. Tutoring will help your child understand what he or she missed in class as well as getting additional practice for the topic being covered. For my son, when I realized that he had a gap in what he knew and what he was expected to know about mid-year, the tutor was able to help him get an understanding on those topics well before his 7th grade final exam. Private Tutors Build Confidence and Help Students Grow Your private tutor will encourage children who have problems and/or a fear of failure; they will explain it’s not about the mark they will get, it’s about the knowledge they have. They need to understand the importance of problem solving and how it affects their way of thinking. Most of the children (and adults!) just think about the solution or the results, while the actual meaning of mathematics is the problem-solving way that shapes the way we think rationally and logically all our lives. 7th-grade Math Homework Help Tutors will always make sure homework is done, and the unit has been completely understood before moving on to the next topic. 7th-grade math has many new things that need additional explanations or examples; some students are too shy to ask the teacher to repeat or explain the problematic part to them, because they are ashamed or they think everybody else except them understands (And to all you students out there, you are NOT the only one who doesnt get it). Tutors are always there to answer the student’s question and make sure the unit is clear. At Home Tutors are There to Support and Give Answers When You Can’t Another important plus for hiring a tutor is time management. Parents usually don’t have as much time as they would like to sit and help their children with homework or to explain to them what they don’t understand. Tutoring will make sure your child has all the support and help he needs to understand the matter and to score well on the next test. 7th-grade homework help can be challenging even for adults; we forget those formulas and equations, and we can’t help if we don’t know, right? What are the Areas of 7th-Grade Math? Theres a ton of topics covered during this academic year.   Its truly a transition from lower level math.   7th-grade math areas are: Numbers and operations:   rational/irrational numbers, square roots, proportional reasoning, problems with discounts, tax, rates, work with decimals, integers, and fractions Geometry and measurement: angles, problems with various geometric shapes/figures, sketching them, analyzing, constructing, measuring them, etc. Functions and algebra: variables, algebraic expressions, simple formulas and simplification of algebraic equation Data, statistics and probability: analyzing the data to justify conclusions and make predictions, experiments, range, mode, mean and median, representation of data, various predictions and determinations of events, etc. Private Math Tutoring Makes Sure Your Child Understands the Subject Matter Personalized attention for students is imperative because they often get lost in new things they havent come across before and when you have so much to deal with, you lose your focus and will to work and study because you are overwhelmed.   Kids are also easily frustrated and discouraged at this age, so struggles in school make for some challenging times for both parents and kids.   Private tutoring offers a chance to get really into the matter and understand the root of the topic. Without understanding the basics, students will get lost until the end of school year. Unfortunately, once a student falls behind in math, catching up the next year becomes more difficult.   So staying on track through each year makes for an easier and better academic year. Pre-Test Examples for Reducing Stress and Anxiety Private tutoring offers a chance to keep up with school and even be ahead of the class. It all depends on the time needed for understanding and time available for practice. Tutors give homework and tests similar to those at school. These pre-test tests are helpful because they psychologically prepare the student for the upcoming exam pressure. Many students do not do as well as they might because of the fear they have, or they are too focused on scoring well than in solving the problem right. Pre-tests give them the chance to get to know how the test might look and what are the problems they might find on the school test. Setting the students mind in the right “mood” for math problem solving is crucial for success. The way of thinking and logic is what math is trying to help each of us develop. For the Future As mentioned, 7th-grade math is the basis for further education, and if this base is solid, the education will be solid, and the student won’t have major academic problems later. Investing in math tutoring is one of the best things you can do for your child. You are giving him or her a chance to become better and to develop a new way of thinking. A student will have time to understand the topics, and the tutor will make sure to ignite the fire of knowledge in your child. People who do their job with love and purpose can have a significant influence on younger people. Tutors are trained professionals who love teaching and sharing their knowledge. Finding a Great 7th Grade Math Tutor Online Private Tutors The Internet gives us many great things, and one of them is online tutoring. It saves you time from commuting.   Its a great option to explore if in home tutors in the topics you need arent available. Tutoring online is great; it allows you to do things at your own pace in the comfort of your home. These days we can get all the knowledge we need in just one click and find a great tutor that has the ability to help us or our kids ace math! Electronic devices are in use in schools all day long. Students are attached to their smartphones, iPads or tablets. Make knowledge easily available and make learning more interesting by introducing an online tutoring platform to them. Use this opportunity and don’t forget â€" knowledge is power. Find the Best Private Tutors At Reasonable Rates - Get Real Results Fast! Choose Your Subject - Add Your Zip Code - Find Top Rated Tutors Today InPerson or Online Online InPerson

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Meet the teacher Certified teacher, Bill, in Delhi, India

Meet the teacher Certified teacher, Bill, in Delhi, India Bill, a certified teacher from Bellingham, Washington, began his Teach Away placement at iDiscoveri Education in Gurgaon, South Delhi, India, about 3 weeks ago. Instead of teaching, he is developing a Science Curriculum for the institute. We caught up with him to learn how he’s enjoying his Teach Away experience so far, and to see whether he has any advice for others who are interested in teaching in India or Asia. What interested you in teaching abroad? I worked in China two years ago and I caught the travel bug. I like to experience new places and cultures. I also like to try new and different foods. I’m working for a company that makes educational curricula instead of working as a certified teacher as I’m used to, but the new challenge is interesting. Why did you decide on India specifically? The position in India seemed to be a good match for me. India can be a very challenging place to live, but there are many great things here too if you can be patient and let your Indian experience unfold. Did you have any concerns before you left? What were they? How have those concerns since been mitigated? My biggest concerns were whether I’d be able to handle the demands of the job and adjust to living and working in India. Once my answers were yes to both of those questions, I accepted the position and moved to India. I also read a couple books about living in India and Delhi. That definitely helped ease the transition -- less surprises. My concerns were mostly involved with wrapping up details of one life in the States and beginning fresh on the Indian subcontinent. It just takes lots of time, attention to detail, and lots of patience. Anyone can make the transition if you are willing to experience some culture shock and be patient with your new way of doing things. The culture shock is what makes these experiences so rich. Never a dull moment. Describe your workplace and what a typical workday looks like. Because I’m not currently teaching but designing curriculum, I cannot speak to what a typical day at a school looks like, but I have visited two schools in Delhi. I found the classes to be very teacher-directed. I think Indian schools could benefit from a professional exchange with other teachers from around the world. Every teacher who works overseas has an opportunity to make a small ripple in a very large pond. Sometimes, combined ripples become waves of change. What have you learned about life in India from your teaching experience? What do you like the most? The spirit of the local people and what it means to be Indian is the best and I’m enjoying learning about this. I could take a lifetime to fully understand the nuances, but even after three weeks in India, I am already learning that it is a big, diverse, and amazing country with a very rich and storied history. I will probably just scratch the surface while I am here, but it will be a scratch/itch I will always cherish. What have you noticed about the education system in India? The students are very respectful of teachers and adults in India. Because of this, classrooms can seem a bit formal -- this means students standing to ask and answer questions at times, students clapping when a classmate gives a correct answer, etc. It’s quite different than the middle school I taught at in the States. What is your favourite meal that you’ve had? My favorite meal so far has been chicken masala prepared by my personal cook and housekeeper. Hey, life is good...a western salary in India goes a long way! What’s your neighbourhood like? I looked at 10 apartments and then decided to commute to work by metro train. It was important to me to live in a professional community with like-minded people, but with a local twist. I also wanted a rich cultural experience with lots to do nearby. I found all that in South Delhi. It means that I commute one hour each way, door to door, each day, 30 minutes of which is on metro train (modern subway). Do you have any tips for teachers who are looking to apply to teach in India? My tip is do lots of reading and research before you take the plunge in the deep end of the pool. Talk to lots of people. Try to do some traveling that’s unusual or off the beaten path before you head off to be sure you have the physical and mental toughness to acclimatize to new or challenging places. Then when you find a place that you love, and it feels right, go for it, and don't look back. Where would you like to go next? I may return to China sometime. My Mandarin started to show some real progress!

2014 italki New Years Language Challenge Review

2014 italki New Years Language Challenge Review Congratulations to everyone who participated in our 2014 italki New Years Language Challenge!  This was our largest Language Challenge to date with  hundreds of Challengers learning more than 30+ languages on italki! We had representation from Challengers from over 50 countries all over the world! Language Challenge Results   Heres a quick summary of the Language Challenge results! The Language Challenge is Completely  Achievable! Out of the hundreds of Language Challenge participants, just under  50% (48%) completed the Challenge!  Is this Language Challenge too easy?!? Out of the Language Challenge Winners 40% actually completed more than 30 sessions or more! Instant Tutoring  significantly helped many of the Challengers finish the Challenge!   If you really want to improve your Language ability, the Language Challenge works!   In just 6-weeks many of our Language Challenge participants went from zero language ability to fluency!  Some of our Challengers were so happy with their results that they submitted videos of their speaking ability before and after!  We were very impressed. Watch these before and after videos! John was one of our Challenge participants who was learning Portuguese because he is going to the World Cup in Brazil!  He pretty much  started with ZERO Portuguese ability.  His improvement is absolutely amazing and inspiring!  Click here to view his before and after video. Challengers who made a Public Video Pledge are more likely to complete the Challenge! 85% of the Challenges who actually put up a Public Video Pledge actually completed the Challenge (compared to only 48% of those who did not). (Our Challenge  confirmed what  Life Hacks research  concluded that  if you put yourself up to something by doing it in public, you follow through!  Things that you put on the Web have a better chance of getting done!) Advice:  If you are planning on taking the Challenge in the future, make a Public Video Pledge, it will help you reach your goal! Challenge Demographic Breakdowns Challenger Distribution North America (U.S.A. Canada) 30% Western Europe 25% Eastern Europe 11% Asia 16% South America 4% Top 10 Languages Learned in the Challenge 1.  English 2.  Spanish 3.  French 4. Chinese 5.  German 6.  Japanese 7.  Russian 8.  Portuguese 9.  Korean 10.  Arabic Interesting Tidbits! We had a lot of italki teachers who took the Challenge as well!  Actually Teachers as a whole did much better than students!  More than 60% of the teachers who took the Challenge completed it! Chinese, Germans, Russian and Spaniards have the highest completion rate!  50% or more of Challengers from these countries complete the Challenge! Challenge participants from the United States are on par with a 48% completion rate! We had  one italki Language Challenger who completed over 100 sessions during the Challenge!  That’s more than 2 session a day!  You know who you are and you absolutely rock! We’ve gotten tons of positive responses from our 2014 italki New Years Challenge.  If you enjoyed this challenge or would like to participate in future italki Language Challenges, please click on the link below. I want to receive more information about  future italki Language Challenges! One Last Note As a surprise bonus, we actually decided to give away free italki t-shirts to all the winners! This was quite difficult to do as we needed to mail out the t-shirts by hand to winners in over  50+ countries! If you send us a post a photo of yourself online wearing your italki t-shirt and let us know the link, we know there is at least one guy who would be very, very happy that he took the trouble to navigate through the Chinese Postal System. Lamar pushing a box of t-shirts to the Post Office 2014 italki New Years Language Challenge Review Congratulations to everyone who participated in our 2014 italki New Years Language Challenge!  This was our largest Language Challenge to date with  hundreds of Challengers learning more than 30+ languages on italki! We had representation from Challengers from over 50 countries all over the world! Language Challenge Results   Heres a quick summary of the Language Challenge results! The Language Challenge is Completely  Achievable! Out of the hundreds of Language Challenge participants, just under  50% (48%) completed the Challenge!  Is this Language Challenge too easy?!? Out of the Language Challenge Winners 40% actually completed more than 30 sessions or more! Instant Tutoring  significantly helped many of the Challengers finish the Challenge!   If you really want to improve your Language ability, the Language Challenge works!   In just 6-weeks many of our Language Challenge participants went from zero language ability to fluency!  Some of our Challengers were so happy with their results that they submitted videos of their speaking ability before and after!  We were very impressed. Watch these before and after videos! John was one of our Challenge participants who was learning Portuguese because he is going to the World Cup in Brazil!  He pretty much  started with ZERO Portuguese ability.  His improvement is absolutely amazing and inspiring!  Click here to view his before and after video. Challengers who made a Public Video Pledge are more likely to complete the Challenge! 85% of the Challenges who actually put up a Public Video Pledge actually completed the Challenge (compared to only 48% of those who did not). (Our Challenge  confirmed what  Life Hacks research  concluded that  if you put yourself up to something by doing it in public, you follow through!  Things that you put on the Web have a better chance of getting done!) Advice:  If you are planning on taking the Challenge in the future, make a Public Video Pledge, it will help you reach your goal! Challenge Demographic Breakdowns Challenger Distribution North America (U.S.A. Canada) 30% Western Europe 25% Eastern Europe 11% Asia 16% South America 4% Top 10 Languages Learned in the Challenge 1.  English 2.  Spanish 3.  French 4. Chinese 5.  German 6.  Japanese 7.  Russian 8.  Portuguese 9.  Korean 10.  Arabic Interesting Tidbits! We had a lot of italki teachers who took the Challenge as well!  Actually Teachers as a whole did much better than students!  More than 60% of the teachers who took the Challenge completed it! Chinese, Germans, Russian and Spaniards have the highest completion rate!  50% or more of Challengers from these countries complete the Challenge! Challenge participants from the United States are on par with a 48% completion rate! We had  one italki Language Challenger who completed over 100 sessions during the Challenge!  That’s more than 2 session a day!  You know who you are and you absolutely rock! We’ve gotten tons of positive responses from our 2014 italki New Years Challenge.  If you enjoyed this challenge or would like to participate in future italki Language Challenges, please click on the link below. I want to receive more information about  future italki Language Challenges! One Last Note As a surprise bonus, we actually decided to give away free italki t-shirts to all the winners! This was quite difficult to do as we needed to mail out the t-shirts by hand to winners in over  50+ countries! If you send us a post a photo of yourself online wearing your italki t-shirt and let us know the link, we know there is at least one guy who would be very, very happy that he took the trouble to navigate through the Chinese Postal System. Lamar pushing a box of t-shirts to the Post Office 2014 italki New Years Language Challenge Review Congratulations to everyone who participated in our 2014 italki New Years Language Challenge!  This was our largest Language Challenge to date with  hundreds of Challengers learning more than 30+ languages on italki! We had representation from Challengers from over 50 countries all over the world! Language Challenge Results   Heres a quick summary of the Language Challenge results! The Language Challenge is Completely  Achievable! Out of the hundreds of Language Challenge participants, just under  50% (48%) completed the Challenge!  Is this Language Challenge too easy?!? Out of the Language Challenge Winners 40% actually completed more than 30 sessions or more! Instant Tutoring  significantly helped many of the Challengers finish the Challenge!   If you really want to improve your Language ability, the Language Challenge works!   In just 6-weeks many of our Language Challenge participants went from zero language ability to fluency!  Some of our Challengers were so happy with their results that they submitted videos of their speaking ability before and after!  We were very impressed. Watch these before and after videos! John was one of our Challenge participants who was learning Portuguese because he is going to the World Cup in Brazil!  He pretty much  started with ZERO Portuguese ability.  His improvement is absolutely amazing and inspiring!  Click here to view his before and after video. Challengers who made a Public Video Pledge are more likely to complete the Challenge! 85% of the Challenges who actually put up a Public Video Pledge actually completed the Challenge (compared to only 48% of those who did not). (Our Challenge  confirmed what  Life Hacks research  concluded that  if you put yourself up to something by doing it in public, you follow through!  Things that you put on the Web have a better chance of getting done!) Advice:  If you are planning on taking the Challenge in the future, make a Public Video Pledge, it will help you reach your goal! Challenge Demographic Breakdowns Challenger Distribution North America (U.S.A. Canada) 30% Western Europe 25% Eastern Europe 11% Asia 16% South America 4% Top 10 Languages Learned in the Challenge 1.  English 2.  Spanish 3.  French 4. Chinese 5.  German 6.  Japanese 7.  Russian 8.  Portuguese 9.  Korean 10.  Arabic Interesting Tidbits! We had a lot of italki teachers who took the Challenge as well!  Actually Teachers as a whole did much better than students!  More than 60% of the teachers who took the Challenge completed it! Chinese, Germans, Russian and Spaniards have the highest completion rate!  50% or more of Challengers from these countries complete the Challenge! Challenge participants from the United States are on par with a 48% completion rate! We had  one italki Language Challenger who completed over 100 sessions during the Challenge!  That’s more than 2 session a day!  You know who you are and you absolutely rock! We’ve gotten tons of positive responses from our 2014 italki New Years Challenge.  If you enjoyed this challenge or would like to participate in future italki Language Challenges, please click on the link below. I want to receive more information about  future italki Language Challenges! One Last Note As a surprise bonus, we actually decided to give away free italki t-shirts to all the winners! This was quite difficult to do as we needed to mail out the t-shirts by hand to winners in over  50+ countries! If you send us a post a photo of yourself online wearing your italki t-shirt and let us know the link, we know there is at least one guy who would be very, very happy that he took the trouble to navigate through the Chinese Postal System. Lamar pushing a box of t-shirts to the Post Office

4 Ideas to Help You Balance Multiple Jobs

4 Ideas to Help You Balance Multiple Jobs Image via 1.  Work on your organizational skills You’ll need to work on your organizational and time management skills. To balance multiple jobs, you’re going to have to be a well-organized, time-oriented person who can juggle many things at once. If you’re not this kind of person, that’s okay! You can easily become one. First things first, you’re going to have to bring order to your life. Start planning out your day ahead of time instead of rushing through it and hurrying to get things done at a moment’s notice. Prepare in advance. Wash and iron your work clothes the night before and have them hung up and ready to change into when you get back home from classes, or bring them with you on campus and change there, if necessary. If you wear makeup to work, do your makeup at the beginning of the day so you’ll only have to touch it up a bit before you have to head to work later in the day. Don’t procrastinate! Although it’s easy to let yourself get distracted (say by Netflix or social media), fight the urge to waste those precious hours of your time on YouTube. Instead, get important things done first and set distractions (cell phones, laptops, the TV remote) aside for now. If you know you have loads of homework to turn in soon, knock that out of the way so you’re not rushing to finish it right before class. Rushing always results in you not giving something the attention it deserves. 2.  Make yourself a schedule Schedules can save you both time and headaches. Writing down the times that you have class will give you something physical to look at when you’re trying to plan your work hours around your class schedule. This is better than trying to sort out a schedule in your mind alone. With classes and more than one job, it’s easier for things to get hectic and to accidentally let things overlap. Having everything written down will help you do better planning. Planners might seem outdated when we now have cell phones that have all sorts of apps on them, but sometimes a paper or whiteboard planner used in conjunction with a digital planner can serve better than just one used alone. When you’re making your schedule, it’s important to focus on these three things: travel time, homework time, and free time. Travel time is how much time it’s going to take to get from where you are at a certain time to one of your jobs. When you’re working out your schedule with your employer, don’t tell them work hours that will make you have to rush just to get to your workplace on time. This will just add to your stress. Schedule yourself an ample amount of time to get from Point A to Point B. Don’t forget to account for traffic. The second thing you should schedule is homework time. Don’t try to squeeze it in whenever you can because that leads to rushing and not giving your best on your assignments. Instead, schedule time every week to get your homework done. Lastly, you should remember to give yourself free time. It’s helpful to give yourself some stressâ€"free time to do whatever you want, be it going for a jog, writing, reading, meeting up with friends, or going to see a movie. Work isnt your whole life; making time for yourself is necessary to keep you happy. 3.  Don’t pick more than one high-energy job High-energy jobs are jobs that have a hectic atmosphere and can be highly stressful. For an example, being a waiter or waitress at a very popular restaurant or working in retail can both be stressful jobs. If possible, try to look for a job that isn’t that hectic and is laid-back, less repetitive, and more fun. Some examples of low-energy job environments are: Library Pet Store Office Private home Pool Massage therapy office Computer lab Some campus locations Picking one of these job environments can help to cut back on stress and maybe even help you have fun at work. Am I pushing it a little bit? Not so! Having fun at work is indeed a possibility! 4.  Focus on your goal and don’t give up Last but not least, never forget your goals. As you’re working your jobs, there are going to be days when you get tired and want to quit. Hold on and remember why you need to balance multiple jobs in the first place. Your goal is right in front of youâ€"don’t give up! I hope that this article will help many of you achieve your goal to balance multiple jobs. Don’t be discouraged if it feels stressful at first because, after a while, it will get easier. Happy job-hunting!

4 Natural Beauty Product Swaps

4 Natural Beauty Product Swaps Image via Rebecca Casciano, a natural beauty  expert and makeup artist, explains, “The cosmetics industry in the United States is not well regulated … so there are a ton of harmful ingredients in most commercial cosmetics.” While many celebrities, and real world girls alike, are utilizing the no makeup movement as a means of liberation and self-expression, some girls just don’t feel quite as comfortable. I personally am not one to leave my house without at least a dab of concealer under my eyes. So how do us makeup lovers combine the best of the benefits of going natural with the enhancement provided by makeup? The best way to go about this, and to do your skin some good, is to swap a few of your basic chemical riddled makeup with products crafted with natural ingredients. Although it may seem difficult to find effective, budget friendly, and natural makeup products, there are a ton of little known brands that offer some amazing earth and skin friendly products that will have you swapping your MAC blush for a guava cheek stain. Check out some of these natural alternatives for your basic beauty essentials. Foundation The majority of foundations out in the market contain heavy pore-clogging ingredients that can potentially lead  to breakouts. Not to mention that foundation is a base product that covers your entire face, therefore you definitely want to consider the ingredients in this product. If you suffer from breakouts and continue to cover them up with layers of foundation you may be doing yourself a disservice. Often switching to a natural, plant-based foundation may make the biggest positive impact on your skin. Many foundations contain ingredients like  dimethicone, which can trap bacteria and cause more breakouts and blackheads. Since foundation is the makeup item used on the largest area of skin and often worn from morning until night, a healthier alternative is vital for healthier skin. Image via For a natural foundation alternative, try the W3ll People Narcissist Foundation Stick ($29). It feels light on the skin and it’s convenient to apply on-the-go. Blush Many widely used blush products contain carcinogenic and hormone-disrupting chemicals. Utilizing a natural blush is a smart alternative due to the ample surface area that this product covers (leading to even more breakouts on your cheeks) and the proximity with which you place it near your eyes. Image via For a beautiful natural blush swap try the Kjaer Weis Cream Blush  ($32). This cream based blush creates a more natural hue than a powdered blush and results in a sheer wash of color. The best part has to be that it contains natural oils like jojoba and almond to keep your cheeks super soft and glowing while nourishing your skin. Lipstick Although the makeup industry has been making more of an effort to switch to naturally based lip colors, most of your most beloved lipsticks still contain lead and a petrochemical base of ingredients. “You’ve probably heard the estimate that over a lifetime, a woman may eat over four pounds of lipstick,” says Rebecca Casciano. This presents a huge health risk, when said lipstick that is being swallowed contains harmful ingredients such as lead and synthetic pigments. Considering the risks of constantly applying and reapplying dangerous ingredients onto your lips, I would definitely suggest trading in your designer gloss for a naturally based lip color. Image via Check out Ilia Beauty Lipsticks in Neon Angel and Wild Child ($24) for a healthy pop of color to your face. These luscious organic lipsticks glide on smoothly on your lips and won’t dry out thanks to their natural oils. Hairspray As an avid user of hairspray (I don’t feel fully ready for a night out unless I do my flip-of-the-hair-apply-spray-final-mirror-check), this one is a biggie for me. Think about it this way, anytime that we spray something into the air (especially close to our face) we inhale it as well. This is why it is so important to use non-toxic hair care products. Image via For a natural, non-toxic, and effective hairspray try Yarok Feed Your Hold Hairspray ($18). This spray contains essential oils that provide volume and hold (without all of the harmful chemicals) and it also smells amazing!